

“ウィンディ・ヴォイス”(繊細な癒し系のヴォーカル)と美しい英語発音の持ち主として、ライブやイベント、フェスティバル出演など幅広く活躍中。 6歳からピアノを習い始め、クラシック音楽を学ぶ。アメリカ留学中にジャズに目覚め、2011年よりライブ活動を開始。デビュー作品は、弦楽四重奏を中心とする編成で、古き良き時代のアメリカン・ポピュラーソングを歌うCD/LPレコード『Mayumi Tanaka Sings American Popular Songs』(シングス・アメリカン・ポピュラーソングス)。
2016年、11名のオーケストラ編成でスタンダード曲を歌うCD/LPレコード『Cool Swing』(クール・スウィング)は、一般社団法人日本オーディオ協会「おすすめソフト」に選出。
2017年、JUJU等の楽曲提供で有名なE3氏による全面プロデュースによる、初の日本語オリジナル曲を中心とするアルバム『DESERT ROSE』(デザート・ローズ)リリース。
2021年、5thアルバム『Night Glow』(ナイト・グロウ)はステレオディスクコレクション「今月の特選盤」に選出される。


Mayumi Tanaka

Jazz vocalist, English pronunciation specialist, representative of Nishi-Shinjuku Sunny English Pronunciation School

Possessing a delicate and soothing singing voice and beautiful English pronunciation, she is broadly active performing at concerts, events, festivals, etc. After starting to learn the piano at age 6, she learned classical music. She awakened to Jazz while studying abroad in America, and began live performances from 2011.
Her debut work was the CD/LP record "Mayumi Tanaka Sings American Popular Songs," a compilation of her singing American popular songs from the good old days centered on a string quartet. In 2016, her CD/LP record "Cool Swing," in which she sings standards with an 11-piece orchestra, was chosen as the Japan Audio Society's "recommended software." In 2017, she released "DESERT ROSE," her first album focusing on original Japanese language songs completely produced by E3 famous for providing the music for JUJU, etc. On September 25, 2019 a new CD/LP record "QUIETUDE" went on sale in which she performed with world-famous lute player Ichiro Takamoto.

As an English pronunciation specialist: After studying abroad in America she worked at the Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation. She has a Bachelor's degree in management information science. After receiving certification from the Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation and obtaining qualification as an English pronunciation teacher, she used her native-level pronunciation skills to work at an English pronunciation school in Ginza, Tokyo for 6 years. Her students are largely interpreters, pilots, flight attendants, English teachers and other English professionals, and she also has experience teaching at Rakuten Inc. which has made English its official company language. She also has worked many times as a pronunciation guide on recordings, such as English pronunciation guidance on CD recordings by the Philharmonic Chorus of Tokyo. She has over 10,000 hours experience teaching lessons and over 14 years’ experience as an English pronunciation teacher. She is one of the few people with such abundant experience and specialized knowledge of English pronunciation. After becoming independent, she established the Nishi-Shinjuku Sunny English Pronunciation School, where she currently works.

(財)日本英語発音協会認定 英語発音講師/英語発音検定試験【J-TEP】The JINGLES Test of English Pronunciation - ネイティブレベル(Native Equivalent Level)90取得/経営情報学士/米国公認会計士科目[Regulation (諸法規)、Auditing & Attestation(監査および諸手続き)]合格

これまでの主な出演先-MZES東京、横須賀芸術劇場、損保会館、JZ Brat、六本木CLAPS、GINZA Lounge ZERO、赤坂B flat、新宿京王プラザホテル、パレスホテル大宮、長野ZAZA、いわきTHE QUEEN、博多バックステージ、佐世保Jazz Spotいーぜる、名古屋SWING、新潟ジョイアミーア、大阪ロイヤルホース、京都le club jazz、仙台Tommy’s Bar&live REMEMBER、浜松JAZZ SPOT analog.、和歌山ルルホール、奥只見湖上コンサート、琵琶湖ヤンマーサンセットマリーナ、佐世保JAZZフェスティバル、アナログオーディオフェアなど多数。

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